Chicago, IL USA
June 28-July 1, 2014
Anaerobe 2014 is a joint meeting of the Anaerobe Society of the Americas and theSociety of Microbial Ecology and Diseases, taking place June 28-July 1, 2014 in Chicago, IL USA.
Researchers and practitioners from around the world are invited to attend and participate in this Congress to engage in presentations, exchanges, and dialogue on issues related to the study of anaerobes. The Congress will consist of invited speakers, oral presentations, and poster presentations.
The Anaerobe 2014 Program Committee invites research and clinical papers of high quality for both Oral and Poster Presentations. Abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed for quality, scientific content, and logical presentation.
Important Dates
December 31, 2013 — Oral Abstract Submission Deadline
February 3, 2014 — Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
For questions, email: asa@anaerobe.org